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My Aunt took me inside and had me sit in a small waiting room while she
filled out some forms. After about twenty minutes we were called into the back
office. It was a doctors office "If you are going to work on the farm, i have
to know you are healthy!" My Aunt explained as I undressed in the exam room.
The doctor came right in and went about his work, taking my weight,
tempature and blood pressure. He checked me out from head to toe and gave me a
very embarrasing rectal exam with his finger, I didn't know why he was being
so thourough, but I figured it was normal. After he pronounced me healthy My
Aunt told me to get dressed as it was getting late.
When we left the doctors office I was taken to another building just down
the street. An older woman met us at the door and led us inside. I was again
made to strip as the old woman measured my waist, hips, chest and took just
about every other measurement possible. My Aunt explained that I only had
"City boy" clothes and would need "Special" clothes for the summer. I just
shrugged my shoulders and got dressed again.
Finnaly we drove to the farm as the sun was setting and I was getting
tired from the long bus ride and busy afternoon. "okay, tonight you can relax,
but first thing in the morning your'e mine, understood" My aunt said as she
showed me where my room was. "Yes Aunty" I said looking forward to the summer,
and the fun of working on a farm.
I put my things away and changed into my play clothes for the rest of the
vening. At dinner my Aunt insisted I call her "Mommy" for the rest of the
summer, as a term of respect and warned me that not calling her mommy would
mean I would have to be punished. After dinner I helped Mommy do the dishes,
and headed up for bed. "Wait just a minute young man" Mommy called as I was
half way up the stairs. "Boys in this house shower before bed and in the
morning." SHe told me as she tossed me a towel. "Okay, where's the bathroom"
I asked willing to comply to such a simple request. "The SHOWER is out back"
She said as she pointed toward the back door. "Outside" i asked used to my
big condo bathroom. "Yes, strip out of them city clothes and go get your
shower" She ordered as I came back down the stairs.
I took off everything but my underwear and went out back and found the
shower right off the back porch. The water was cold and gave me the chills, so
I showered quickly and wraped the towel around me and went back inside.
"Good Night child" Mommy said as she kissed me and slaped my backside
sharply. "Good nite mommy, thanks for letting me come stay with you" I told
her politely. "Don't thank me yet, your in for a busy summer, i have alot to
teach you!" She said with a sly smile that worried me slightly. I went
upstairs, got some pajamas on and went right to bed exhausted.
Chapter Two

"Time to get up!" Mommy said loudly as she shook me awake. "What time is
it" I asked groggily as I rubbed my eyes. "Five AM, Now get up!" She said as
she tore the covers off me. I sat up and found that like most mornings I had
wet myself in my sleep. "I'm sorry Mommy" I said when I saw her looking at me.
"Don't worry, that is one of the tings I am going to cure you of this summer!"
She said cooly as she helped me to my feet. "Take those wet things off" She
said as she turned and got something out of the dresser. I turned away from
her facing the bed to have a little privacy as I slid the wet pajamas and
underpants down to my ankles.
Suddnely my Aunt grabbed me and bent me over the bed and started spanking
me! I had never been spanked in my life and it hurt bad! I begged her to stop
but she ignored me as she scolded and spanked "You are Fourteen years
old and yet you wet yourself Like a two year
old! That will not be tollorated any more
Do you under stand me" "Yes Mommy, I'll try
harder! I swore as I cried out in pain.
"You will not try, you WILL learn to keep your bed dry." She told me
as the spanks got harder . he last three spanks were
the hardest of all as she finnaly stopped and let me get up. "Go get your
shower and meet me in the kitchen" She ordered as she threw a large paddle on
the floor and began to change my wet sheets. "Yes mommy" I said stillc rying
as I ran out of the room.
The cold water stung as it pounded on my burning backside. I showered and
dried off. I wrapped the towel around my waist and went into the kitchen.
"Come here" My aunt said as she reached for my towel and ripped it off of me.
"Please don't spank me again!" I begged as I started to cry again. "I'm not
going to spank you" She said softly as she turned me around and bent meover
the couter. I heard the sound of something being squeezed out of a tube and
suddenly the burning in my backside was gone as she rubbed the creame on me.
"Thank you!" I said with a sigh of relief. "Put this on please" She sais
sweetly as if she had forgotten all about the wet bed. I turned around and in
her hand was a thick pair of underwear. "What's that" I asked having never
seen anything like it. "It's a training pant, I'm training you, plus it will
keep the creame from getting all over everything!" She said as she put the
brief into my hand. I Quickly pulled the brief on and sat at the table.
"Here you go" Mommy said as she set a bowl of oatmeal in front of me. "I
don't like oatmeal, can I have eggs" i asked nicely. "No, your on a diet
starting today, My the end of summer you will be sleeping in dry beds, you
will be strong enough to defend yourself and you will not be overweight, Plus
you will have learned when to be tough and still know that at home you will do
what you are told!" My aunt explained as she sat and ate her eggs and bacon.
Not wanting to make her mad I forced the oatmeal down and waited for her to
finish her breakfast. "Your clothes will not be here until this afternoon, so
good put something on and come back down, you have chores to do!" She said
firmly as she took my bowl away. "Yes Mommy" I told her as I got up from the
table I got dressed and rushed back downstairs to get started on whatever i
had to do.
Chapter Three

"Okay, I want all the chickens fed, the eggs gathered and the pens cleaned
by lunch time, understood" My aunt said as she showed me to the chicken pens.
"Yes Mommy!" I assured her as I went right to work, she left me to my work. I
had to rush to get done on time, and really worked up a sweat, but I got it
done just ten minutes before lunch time. I stopped behind a bush to pee real
quick and then headed back to the house.
Back at the house Mommy served me my lunch, Tomato soup, toast and a glass
of juice. I was hungry and ate it quickly and did the dishes without even
being asked. "You got your chores done" Mommy asked as i put the last dish
away. "Yes Mommy" I said proudly as I sat back down at the table. "Good, I
want you to go to the postoffice back in twon and get the mail for me." My
aunt said as she handed me her PO Box key. "But's its got to be a mile to
town!" I complained tired from my chores. "Are you talking back to me young
man" She demanded to know as she got up from the table. "No mommy" I sighed
and headed out the door to start walking to town.
When I got back to the house two hours later there was a delivery truck
out front. Inside were four or five big boxes stacked in the corner. "Your
clothes came!" Mommy told me as she took the mail from me and flipped trough
it. "Okay, time for your nap!" She announced as she read the packing slip that
was with the boxes. "My nap, but I'm fourteen!" I protested a bit too liud.
"That's it young man, that's twice today you have talked back to me!" Mommy
scolded pointing her finger at me. I rrealized I was in big trouble. "I'm
sorry, I'll go take my nap now!" I said, and quickly turned and ran up to my
I waited nervously to see if she was going to follow me up. She didn't so
I got in bed and took a nap, and after the chores and the walk to town, i
actually fell asleep. Mommy came and woke me up again at three and immediatly
led me out to the wqoodshed. I got really nervous having always heard the old
standard "trip to the woodshed" referral to a spanking. "I want all this wood
chopped and stacked" Mommy said as a wave of relief came over me. "Talk back
to me again and you'll get the whip!" She said pointing to the horse whip
hanging on the wall. "I'm sorry, I'm just not used to the way you do things,
I'll behave!" I told her honestly. "Just see that you do!" She snaped as she
left the shed.
I quickly chopped the wood and then stacked it neatly against the wall. I
had to pee again, and realized that I didn't know where the bathroom was! I
went in the house and found Mommy in my room putting the stuff in the boxes
away. "Done already" She asked nicely again having had a complete mood change
than her angry tone in the wood shed. "Yes Mommy, Where's the bathroom" I
asked. "Actually i was just about to talk to you about that. The only bathroom
is in my room, and you are not allowed in there today" She told me as I
started to get confused. "Then where do I toilet" I asked needing to use a
toilet soon! "Well, Until you learn to keep your bed dry, you will be wearing
these" She said as she tossed a disposable diaper at me. "No, pelase, not
diapers!" I said shamefully. "Are you talking back to me" She asked crossly.
"No Mommy, just asking nicely!" I assured her. "Well it won't work. You are
here to learn, and with learning comes discapline, If you can't keep your bed
dry, you haven't earned the right to use a big boys bathroom." She explained
as she sat me down on my bed. "I know this seems mean, but it's for your own
good. I promised your mother I would make you into a strong but obiediant
young man who doesn't piss his pants EVER" She continued as she hugged me. "So
for the rest of the summer, every time you pee the bed, you will be spanked
and then kept in diapers for the rest of the day." She said as she pushed me
back until i was laying in bed. I started to cry as she took my clothes off
and threw them aside. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to watch as she put
the diaper on me. "Now, you have to use the diapers, but I want you to hold it
for as long as possible, so you train your bladder to be stronger" She said as
she pulled me back up. "Okay, for now on, durring the day you will wear the
overalls in the second dresser drawer over a t-shirt from the thrid drawer. At
night you will wear the jammies in the bottom drawer." She explained as she
got a pair of overalls and a t-shirt out from their designated drawers. She
pulled the t-shirt down over my head and lowered it to my waist. To my
surprise she pulled it below my diaper and snaped it in the crotch! She said
that would eep it from riding up over my diapers. Then she had me put the
overalls on. "What are the snaps for" I asked as I examined the snaps in the
legs and crotch. "Thats so I can change your diaper without taking your
clothes all the way off" She explained as she helped me attach the suspenders
to the bib front. "Okay, your chores are done, and you've had your nap, the
rest of the day is yours to do whatever you want" She told me as a smile
crossed my lips for the first time today. "Can i watch TV" I asked. "If
that's what you want" She replied as we walked downstairs.
I made myself comfortable on the couch and flipped on the set and quickly
settled in watching cartoons.
Chapter Four

The need to go to the bathroom was starting to get stronger, but I held it
in like I was told too. the pressure grew and grew. I crossed my legs and
grabbed my crotch as the pee started flowing out slowly. The flow picked up
and I finnaly lost all controll as the hot urine flooded my diaper. I wasn't
sure what to do, should I tell Mommy I decided not to bother her and kept
watching TV.
A little while later, the pressure was back, but this time it was my
bowels that wanted to be emptied. I held this in for a while, but then
loosened up and let it out as I figured it was only the pee I had to work on
The solid mass spread across my backside as I watchedTV and sighed in
relief as the pressure went away and I was covered with a warmth I hadn't felt
in a long time.I decided I better tell mommy now! I went into the kitchen
where she was making dinner and shyly told her i was wet and messy. "Well, I
need to finish cooking here. WHy don't you go outside to the shower, take your
diaper off and get cleaned up. I'll put a fresh diaper on you after dinner"
She said not seeming to mind that I had messed myself. "Okay mommy" I said as
I headed out the front door.
I took my overalls and special T-shirt off and hung it on the clothes line
to air out the smell from my diaper. I got under the cool shower in the hot
sun and pulled my diaper off and let it drop to the wood floor of the shower
area. I grabbed the soap off the shelf and cleaned my upper body as the heavy
shower spray washed the mess off my backside. Wen I was sure most of the poop
was off, I washed my backside and front with the soap and rinsed off. I went
back inside naked and sat at the kitchen table. "All clean now" Mommy asked
as she set a bowl full of sald in front of me. "Yes mommy" I said shyly as I
grabbed the ranch dressing and flooded my salad with it.
Mommy sat and ate her salad and then we had steaks! They were so tender
and so good, better than any steak I ever got at home! When I was done, I
washed the dishes myself to give mommy a break and then joined her in the
living room, still naked. "I still need to get a diaper on you, But I'm going
to take my shower first, so just wait here!
I watched TV as she went and took a shower and came back wearing a frilly
robe. "Okay lets get you dressed" She said as she kneeled down in front of me
on the floor. But she didn't put a diaper on me. Instead she took a bottle of
baby lotion and began massaging it into my groin and stomach "This will keep
your skin nice and dry" She said as she focused on my diaper area. I felt my
penis start to get erect under the attention and prayed for it to not become
noticeable. But it did! My Aunt, who I had come to know as Mommy started
rubbing only on my penis making it fully erect. "Maybe we are a big boy" She
said retoricly. "I am a big boy!" I said defensivly. "Well, Not that big" She
joked referring to my average size penis.
I don't really know what made me do what I did next, but it happened. I
reached out and moved my hand inside her robe so I was folding her left
breast. "My my my, You know what I like" She said in a soft tone I hadn't
heard before. "Come upstairs" She said as she picked up my unused diaper and
took my hand.
We went up to her room, where she slipped her robe off. I stood frozen
admiring her entire shapely body, as she laid down in the center of her king
size bed. "Come on baby, You don't want to pass up this chance...Do you" She
asked as she rubber her hairy bush. "No mommy" I smiled, as I climbed on the
bed and nervously positioned myself between her legs. I don't know what to
do!" I said nervously as I stroked my penis to restore my erection. "Just
stick it in and thrust" She said with a warm smile.
Shaking in fear and excitement, I slid my penis into her vagaina and began
to slowly rock back and forth inside her. The warm moist feeling really
excited me and I started thrusting really fast. But with a sharp slap to my
backside my aunt warned me "Slow down, Mommy wants to come too" as she ran her
hands down my hairless sweaty chest.
I forced myself to go as slow and steady as I could, and a half hour after
we started Mommy started to shiver and maon and somehow I knew she was coming.
"Okay, you can speed up now" She said out of breath as she layed there just
enjoying what we were doing. I eagerly speed up until I climaxed inside her,
as my penis pumped globs of sperm into her vagina. I slumped down on top of
her, my face between my chests. "Wow!" Was all I could say as I huffed and
puffed, and slowly went to sleep.
Chapter Five

I woke up a few hours later, Wearing a diaper and laying in bed with
mommy, who was holding me tight against her as she slept. I felt so warm and
safe, i closed my eyes and went back to bed.
"Wake up baby" Mommy said as she kissed me on the lips. I slowly woke up,
well rested and feeling so warm inside, a feeling I had never known. "Morning
mommy" I smiled as I kissed her back. "Morning Baby: She smiled as she pulled
at the front of my diaper and thrust her hand down it. "Your dry" She
pronounced proudly. "Cool" I said amazed but glad. "Guess it's big boy
underwear for you today" She said as if it disapointed her. "Actually I kinda
like wearing diapers" I smiled. "Good, I like you in them, you look so cute...
Plus we have to take care of that magical tool of yours" She gigled as she
masaged the front of my diaper. "But, you do need to get to your chores" She
said as she sat up in bed. "Yes mommy" I said obieniantly. I went to my room
and got dressed in my t-shirt and overalls and went right to work in the
chicken pens. It was a hotter day then the day before, and I got tired and hot
quickly and took several many breaks that I didn't realize it was
after 1 when i got through. I ran back to the house and staight to the kitchen.
Mommy was sitting facing the doorway with the paddle in her hand. "Your'e
late young man" SHe said firmly as she tapped the paddle against her knee.
"I'm sorry, its hot out there!" I explained as I cautiously walked into the
room. "Youre not going to use that are you" I asked pointing to the paddle.
"Yes, you know the rules" She said in with a monotone voice. "But what about
last night" I asked beginning to wonder if it had all been a dream. "What we
do at night, has nothing to do with what I expect from you durring the day"
She explained as she got up from her chair. "Get undressed" She said as she
pulled me overt o her and unbuckled the straps from my overalls. "Yes mommy" i
relented as I let the overalls fall to my ankles and pushed my still dry
diaper down. Without any further instruction I bent over the kitchen table and
proudly took the spanking she gave me, with little crying or screaming.
I guess she could tell I was trying to be tough in front of her, becuase
the spanking suddenly got harder and faster then before and soon i was
blubbering like a naughty toddler again. When she finnaly stopped she led me
into the living room and stood me in the corner.
I stood there silently as all kinds of emotions ran though me, memories of
the sex the night before were now confused with how her soft hands could
become so strong when I was bad. She was everything I needed, love and
discapline. It was going to be an interesting summer!
The End
Submitted by : Anonymous
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Disclaimer: All stories posted here are fictional erotic stories.

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