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Steve started to walk towards me....
" I just brought this set of innerwear for my daughter, I wonder if it fits her, she is of similar size as you, why don't you try it out for me to see."

I stood up and prepared to leave....

"I would advise you to wear it on for me to see, there is a retrenchment exercise soon and I don't wish to see you being on the list" he smiled at me

I needed this job badly, I got up and took the two tiny pieces to a change. Steve walk back to his table.

I took of my blouse and slide of my skirt, I started to feel wet at my G-Strings.....While unhooking my bra, my nipplese started to swell......I was in total shocked....but then the feeling was good.....I proceed to move my G-strings off my butt......I put on the innerwear, it was a transparent G-String and bra. My nipples started to swelled under the bra.

I walk out of the corner standing infront of Steve...with my swell....

"Gosh, what is your cup size" he started to move towards me. standing behind me.

" 34D"

Steve hand was on my breasts, I tried to walk away.....

"Don't move" I was startled, I keep praying that all will stop soon.

His hand slip down my stomahe and to my butt, moving around my inner thighs......

"Come, be a good gal, spread your legs abit"

I parted my legs abits......

"U slut, u are wet, my like my touch"

He moved his hand towards my viginia.......

"Now, I want you to take off eveything for me"
"but, you say that just trying will do" I was exsperated.

"U are wet, and I want to taste it, take off everything and come to my table now....!"

I started to unhooked by bra and moved over to his table, sitting infront of him......sliding off my G-strings and spreading my legs infront of him......

Steve took out a camera from his drawer....

" I want your picture"

"no..u cannot do this to me"

"why worry, I have filmed this and look at that corner"

My worst nightmare came true, there was a camera placed at the corner of the room...

I opened up my legs and started to let Steve snap.....

"Change your position...butt facing me..."

snap snap snap

"come and suck my cork!"..............

I bend down and started to insert his cork into my mouth.......

picutre are being taken every seconds...

I tought to myself, if this were to keep my job, I am willingly to do it........

It has been 3 months...I hate late nights with steve.....
Submitted by : Anonymous
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Disclaimer: All stories posted here are fictional erotic stories.

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