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Your Story 2

Have I overstepped the boundaries of our relationship? Have I ruined the perfect sexual friendship? We had openly discussed sex when talking online, both openly stating that our tastes were pervier than most, but that was online, what now in the real world?...

Your free arm moves, reaching out towards me, towards my neck. My eyes focus on your hands, on your nails, sharp, well manicured, painted a rich burgundy colour. My eyes follow as your hand moves beyond my vision, reaching behind my neck, the gentle contact of your skin against mine surprises me, I feel your warmth, the pressure as you place your hand on the back of my head. This is not the action I expect from my slave, but I allow you to continue, curious to find out where this is going.

I feel the pressure increase as you gently pull my head towards you. I look straight into your eyes, eyes now submissive and worshipping. I watch as your lips slowly part, I can see every pore, every detail of your beautiful face, I watch as your head tilts slightly to one side, I watch as your eyes slowly close. I can feel the gentle caress of your breath against my face as you whisper "I love you Master! I will do anything for you, anything you desire of me My Master!".

I am pleased with your words, I hope that you can be all that I want you to be, and more. My head tilts in the opposite direction, my eyes closing fractions of a second behind yours. Our parted lips meet, Christ! I almost came there and then I was so fucking horny, our tongues meet, exploring each other, and then part. I can feel the warmth, the dampness of your mouth, sweet, enticing, passionate. The smoothness of your teeth – mmmmm! I can feel you invade me with your tongue, exploring me in a similar fashion to the way I am exploring you. The kiss is electrifying, the embrace held for what seemed like hours, suddenly I knew there was no going back. I knew this was the start of something few people ever experience, I knew we were going to explore each other totally, no holds barred, no barriers erected, anything and everything we had spoken about was a possibility – Oh boy!

You are the first to break away, we both gasp for air. As your breathing slowly returns to normal you whisper huskily "I want you to lick me please Master! finger me, I'm so wet, feel! I'm so horny! I want you to punish me Master for making you have such dirty thoughts about me! Please punish me My Master, make me cum, PLEASE!".

I reach out, and push you roughly back into the bed of straw, you squirm and squeal, giggling like a schoolgirl, and you struggle half-heartedly as I reposition myself in front of you. I reach down and place my hands on the outside of your knees, sliding them upwards along your thighs. As they slide up your legs the hem of your skirt follows, the material gathering and rucking as it is dragged upwards. I get the first glimpse of your crotch, the red silky material of your thong a sexual and intimate image for my eyes to feast on. I move the dress further up, exposing all of your undergarment and the lower part of your belly – I'm in heaven, intoxicated by my slave's loveliness!

You part your legs, allowing me a better view, the red silky material of your panties appears darker, less shiny deeper down between your legs. I look towards you, you smile, and nod, granting me silent permission to do unto you as I please, and reaching out with your hand I allow you to gently guide my head down towards your expectant cunt.

As I draw closer I can see that the dark patch is dampness, your cunt juices soaking into the material of your thong, a dampness that betrays your sluttish arousal. I inhale, and then inhale more deeply – mmmmm! I can smell your sex, sweet and bitter all in one, a warm musk, I harden, it's all I can do to stop myself raping you there and then. But I control my urge, after all why should I rush your punishment? And it will be some fucking punishment, I just want you to be a bad girl for me all of the time – I want you to give me the excuse to punish you so badly all of the time – xxxxx!

I grab your hips, and lean forward, the tip of my nose touches your panties just above the damp spot. I slowly reach out with my tongue, dragging it across the redness of the material, you moan. Again I lick, harder, tasting your juice – mmmmm! – Again, again and again! Your hips thrust and buck, as you try to impale your cunt on my tongue but the material of your panties is an impenetrable barrier.

Your free hand reaches down between your legs, your fingers sandwiched between my tongue and the material of your thong as your fingers curl around damp material, pulling it to one side, exposing your cunt, I shiver with excitement, your cunt is smooth and bald, it is shaven, I am pleased that you had done as I'd earlier requested. I can feel pre-cum ooze from my prick – mmmmm!

Your cunt lips are swollen, redder, and darker than the surrounding skin; they glisten, coated in your juice. I can see it collect at the bottom of your hole, white and thick, so much of it that it looks like spunk dribbling from your cunt. The smell is overwhelming my senses, it's a drug and I'm an addict, I want more, I need more! I'm your crack addict! – lol!!

You guide my head down again with your other hand "Tongue fuck me please Master, be dirty, use me!" Without hesitation, my tongue flicks along your pussy lips, up one side and down the other, down until it flicks against your puckered little bum hole; you shiver as I flick around your anus, I know you don't like full on scat, but I think the thought of me licking your dirty shit-hole turns you on deep down inside. Then back up, this time more forcefully, parting your cunt lips, my saliva mixing with your juices, a cocktail made in heaven.

You moan, keeping the pressure up on my head, showing me how badly you want me to tongue fuck you, burying my head deeper in your crotch. My upper teeth scrape on your swollen clitoris, I thrust my tongue as deep as i can into your tunnel. Although it aches, my tongue thrashes about in your hole like a spastic snake; my teeth and thumb now join forces to stimulate your love bud.

Your body is twisting and writhing as you try to impale yourself deeper onto my tongue, you're panting and mewling, and in between this you're voicing a crazy mantra "fuck, fuck, lick my cunt" more moans, then "fuck, fuck, lick my cunt" again, repeated over and over.

Suddenly your body tenses, your legs clamping my head, forcing my face deeper into your cunt, my mouth is full of your warm juice, it dribbles out and down over my chin. You clasp my head with your hands and squeal, "I'm coming Master G, I'm cooooooomingggggggggggggg – ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" and you shudder!

Your first orgasm with me, the first but not the last – I hope! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Submitted by : Anonymous
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Disclaimer: All posted stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

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