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Your Story 3

...Suddenly your body tenses, your legs clamping my head, forcing my face deeper into your cunt, my mouth is full of your warm juice, it dribbles out and down over my chin. You clasp my head with your hands and squeal, "I'm coming Master G, I'm cooooooomingggggggggggggg – ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" and you shudder!

You continue holding my head in position beneath you as another wave of pleasure runs wildly through your body. As you shudder I can feel your cunt spasm, and as it spasms I am hit in the face with a fresh deluge of your cum. I have never experienced this in a woman before and I am fascinated, I want to taste you, I want to smell you, I want to watch you.

As your orgasm slowly subsides you relax the pressure on my head, allowing me to back off a few inches, enough distance to get a good view of your cunt, and what a sight. The imagery is so intense, so purely animal, it's all I can do to stop myself cumming in my shorts, I ooze into my already wet clothing, I am certain in my own mind that if I stood up now you'd think that I'd pissed myself – mmmmm!

Your pussy lips are more swollen and redder than they had been a few minutes earlier, the one side pushed out further by the gathered material of your red silky thong, now sodden with the joint natural cocktail of your cum and my saliva, now appearing almost black in their wetness. Your lips slick with the same mixture of juices, your clitoris is a swollen pink pearl, the hood drawn back, no longer capable of hiding your treasure from me, a treasure that I want only myself to play with, a treasure no one else should ever share. Your black hole beckons me, twitching gently as the intensity of your orgasm dies away, and running from your hole a thick, yellowish-white paste, thicker than spunk. Your cream is still oozing out of your cunt as I watch enthralled, running down between your bum cheeks, I continue to watch in fascination feeling an overwhelming urge to taste you, to drink your cream.

My head moves forward again, and although both your hands are still on the back of my head you don't force me down, you simply follow as I dip back down to taste your nectar. I sniff you gently like a dog sniffs a bitch in heat, I am reacting animalistically, your cream has a strong aromatic smell, a heady fragrance as old as the human race. A natural perfume but with one function – to intoxicate and arouse, and oh boy! It has the desired effect; it is my turn to shudder with barely controllable lust. My tongue snakes out, its tip gently probing, tasting the fluid, the flavour is slightly salty, not unpleasant, your cream is warm with your warmth. I reach between your legs with the middle finger of my right hand, and into the valley created by your bum cheeks. As my finger makes contact with your skin you flinch slightly, not from pain or fear but from the contrasting cold of my finger compared to the heat of your body. I slowly slide my finger up the crack of your arse, slowly upwards towards your cunt, and as my finger moves upwards it gathers and collects your own natural honey.

As I collect my prize I start to move, start to reposition myself, I want you to kneel before me and demonstrate your own blind love, devotion and obedience to me, your Master. As I push up from the waist your hands slowly disengage themselves from behind my head. The right one falling away to drape gently over the inside of your right thigh the rich burgundy coloured finger nails visible against the whiteness of your skin, the thumb resting idly on the soaked, gathered material of your thong. The left hand you lay gently on your stomach, fingers relaxed and spread partly over the rucked-up material of your dress and partly over the bare flesh of your lower belly. Again the rich burgundy coloured finger nails visible against the whiteness of your skin and the rumpled pale straw coloured material of your dress, the little finger pointing downwards towards your clean shaven fanny, a sign showing me the way, not that I will have any trouble finding your beautiful cunt again slut – mmmmm!

I move, and as I settle into a comfortable position, kneeling on your right-hand side, I lower my head and gaze upon your beautiful face, a face aglow with an inner warmth. Looking up from your inclined position, your eyes slowly refocus and look into mine, a contented smile adorns your face, and I smile back, wickedly, the depravity of the moment etched onto my face.

Slowly, oh so very slowly I lower my right hand, the middle finger extended, your eyes widen as you notice the thick whitish coating, your cream. It's obvious to you what I want, and you form an 'O' with your mouth as I slowly push my middle finger deep into the opening, past the first knuckle joint, then the second, you close your lips around the base of my finger.

The taste is obviously to your liking, your eyes close and your head tips back with unadulterated pleasure. Recovering slightly from your surprise you open your eyes and watch my face as I slowly withdraw my finger from your still closed lips. I can feel the finger slide across your tongue and between your lips. I feel hardness as the finger occasionally catches on your teeth. I experience the contrasting warmth and cold as the finger passes from your mouth to the air outside. This movement removes all of your cum from my finger.

When my finger is eventually fully exposed you close your mouth, swallow and smile. You shuffle, moving your arms down and backwards onto the straw, pushing yourself up on your elbows, raising your upper body to get a better view. I scan your body with my eyes, the hem of your dress remains rucked, your slick, shaven, wet pussy invitingly exposed. The thumb of your right hand strokes, absentmindedly against your pouting pussy lip.

I noticed that as you have pushed yourself up the left hand strap of your dress has slid off your shoulder, the front of your dress dropping, exposing your left breast. The nipple is hard and erect, surrounded by an almost perfect brown circle, a contrast to the white mound of flesh, the whole just begging to be chewed hard – mmmmm!

Your eyes follow my own; a wicked smile crosses your face as you see your exposed breast. Looking back up towards me you ask, "Would you like to suck my tit Master? Please!"

I smile and nod "Yes I would slut!"

You move, raising yourself, adopting a similar position to my own, we kneel face-to-face, separated by barely twelve inches. We stare into each other's eyes, I notice how swollen your pupils are and wonder if my own betray my arousal in a similar fashion? Leaning forward you kiss me gently on the lips, slowly sucking my bottom lip between your lips, I feel your top teeth caress my lip gently at first, nipping as you pull away, "Take me Master, I need to be punished for coming before you! Take me now, please My Master! – mmmmm!"
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Submitted by : Anonymous
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Disclaimer: All posted stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

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