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Will Work for Panties 2

That week I waited for a call from Aunt Sherrie. I wanted to ask her why she told Patti about my secret. I was not upset with her; how could I be? I just wanted to know why she had told Patti.

An entire week went by before Aunt Sherrie did call me. I asked her about Patti, and she said that sisters share everything. If I could trust her I could also trust Patti.

“Do you like the panties that she gave you?” she asked.

“Well, yeah. They were great.”

“Good, then there isn’t a problem.”

“No, Auntie. I guess there isn’t,” I answered.

“Great. By the way, my sister Bambi needs someone to do some landscaping work around the house this week. Are you interested?” she asked me.

“Well, is she going to wind up giving me panties, too?” I asked somewhat sarcastically.

“She will if you take the job,” she said.

That weekend I found myself over at Aunt Sherrie’s younger sister Bambi’s house laying down sod and mulch. I pruned shrubs. I raked clippings. I did one hell of a good job if I do say so myself.

The whole time I was working I was thinking about just what Bambi was going to give me. Would it be panties, or would she give me a thong? What colors would they be? What were her tastes in panties? What kind of fabric would they be? My mind just raced with questions. I felt like a big girl.

Bambi would come out from time to time and offer me something to drink, but she was preoccupied with taking care of the children. Her husband had to work that day so she was left alone with the kids. She left for a little while to take them to the playground, but she came back within the hour and asked how I was doing.

“Well, I’ve just about finished everything that you needed done,” I told her.

“That’s just great. Why don’t you go inside and I’ll get you your panties?”

Man, that was blunt. I wondered if the kids heard what she said. I doubt it as they were in the other room with the television blaring. I couldn’t help but get instantly aroused by her bluntness; she just tossed that one out there. To this day I am amazed at how casually she treated the whole situation.

Bambi came back with a small plastic bag and lay it down on the kitchen table.

“Here you go, Vincent. Why don’t you go clean up before you leave?” She offered the laundry room to me.

I washed my hands in the big sink, and Bambi came up to me and put out another blunt statement.

“So, you’re turned on by panties, huh?” Again, no delicateness about the topic as Sherrie and Patti had demonstrated. Bambi was different than her older sisters; the youngest, she was also the most aggressive.

“Well…” what the hell was I supposed to say to her?

“It’s okay. I know all about that. I do have some experience with it you know.”

Patti had made the same statement to me earlier, but I didn’t give it any thought until now. Just what did they mean by that?

I walked back to the kitchen and took the bag.

“Check them out,” Bambi said. “See if you like them.”

I opened the bag and saw a black string bikini and a black thong with lace all around the edges. They were beautiful.

“Do you like them?” she asked.

“Well … yes,” I said with more than a little embarrassment.

“But?” she offered.

“But, I usually get three pairs.”

“Oh, do you? Well, I guess I’ll just have to go get you another pair. Wait here and I’ll be right back.”

Bambi left the room to retrieve the other pair from her bedroom. When she returned she started to speak, but one of the kids popped out from the living room into the kitchen to get a glass of soda.

“I hope that these will do. I only got you two pair, so I had to get these from my own drawer,” she continued as the little rug rat left the room without paying us any attention. That was the tensest moment for me. Bambi didn’t even slow down when the kids were around.

“Thank-you,” I said to her as she handed me a red thong trimmed in black lace. I paused, “Thank-you very much.”

“Well, thank-you for doing all that yard-work. I’ve been on my husband’s back for weeks to get it done, but he is always busy.”

We said our final goodbyes and I drove home still reeling by Bambi’s bluntness and the fact that I almost got discovered by one of her kids. I knew I’d have to talk to Aunt Sherrie about this the next time she called. For now I was content to get home and wrap these beautiful thongs around my member to jerk-off.

That evening I prepared a little ritual for myself that I have since conducted several times. I laid out each pair of panties that Aunt Sherrie and her sisters had given me for all the jobs that I had done for them. There were now 15 pairs of panties in all, and I hardly knew where to begin. Black thong or heart panties; blue lace trimmed panties or pure white nylon; pink French cut or rainbows – there were so many choices. I wrapped the red thong that Bambi had given me that day around my cock and stood over my bed admiring all the panties laid out before me. After a while I put down the red thong and picked up the baby blue panties that Patti had given me. I alternated a few times that night before working myself up to another ejaculation.

I went to sleep that night wearing Bambi’s red thong. Life was certainly good.

* * *

“Hello, Vincent.”


“It is Auntie. How are you?”

“Oh, I’m fine. How is everything over there?”

“Just great. Say I was talking to Bambi yesterday and she said that you did a marvelous job on the yard.”

“Well, thank her for me.”

“I think that you can thank her yourself.”


“I want you to come over Friday at eleven o’clock. Can you make it?”

“Well, I think I can. I don’t have any classes on Friday, so I guess I can come over. What’s up?”

“Well, there is something I want you to do for me. I’ll explain when you get here.”


“I’ll bet that Bambi really shook you up when she paid you the other day.”

“Yeah, she scared the crap out of me.”

“She told me the story. She said you were cute the way that you got all flush when she blurted out that she was going to give you panties.”

“I didn’t think that she’d do that.”

“Did you think it was a big secret or something?”

“Well, no. You told me that she knew.”

“Don’t worry. Bambi can be tactless. Anyway, I’ll plan on seeing you Friday at noon. Okay?”

“Okay, I’ll be over.”

“Great. There is just one other thing.”

“What’s that?”

“I want you to wear your favorite pair of panties when you come over. Bye, bye.”

Click. She hung up the phone.

“Why the fuck does she want me to wear panties to her house?” I thought to myself.

I guessed that the answer would be revealed on Friday.

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Submitted by : Anonymous
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Disclaimer: All posted stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

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