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Will Work for Panties 4

I may have gotten myself a little greasy and dirty, but after a few hours of loving attention to these vehicles I knew that each of these women would be driving down the street in the shiniest, cleanest cars on the road; frankly they didn't deserve anything less. Beautiful women in beautiful cars, now that's America.

When I finished I went inside Sherrie's house wash myself. I had totally lost myself in the job and didn't realize how late in the day it was. Patti and Bambi came outside to see how I had done and they were both very happy. Bambi gave me a pat on the back before saying goodbye to both Patti and myself; she said that my aunt was inside getting ready to go out.

After Bambi pulled out and drove off Patti spent a moment with me.

"Thanks for doing such a good job Vincent."

"It's no problem at all. Especially not for you, Patti."

"That's sweet of you to say. I hope you enjoy what is inside in the bag."

"I'm sure I will."

Patti gave me a little kiss on the cheek before leaving causing my heart stop jump. I went back into the house and cleaned up in the bathroom. After I dried clean I went back into the living room and saw Aunt Sherrie was coming out of her bedroom. She was dressed to kill in a short black skirt and black blouse with a low plunging lace neckline.

"Well, you'd better get going home soon. Your uncle is going to be getting home in a little while. We're going out with my brother and his wife. I have something for you here, of course."

I stood in the middle of her living room. She picked up the bag from the corner next to the sofa and motioned for me to sit down next to her. As she sat she crossed her legs, which gave me a great view of her calves. She was very sexy.

"I think that everything went well today. You seemed very comfortable talking to us. I'm so glad that you trust us, Vincent."

"Well, it's nice to have someone to talk to. Patti was right, I do get a little confused sometimes with who I am, but you all have been so good to me. Thanks a lot."

"Patti likes you," she said it like a schoolgirl teasing someone. It was intentional.

"Well, I like her too," I swallowed hard. I felt like a schoolboy being teased.

"Do you have a crush on her?" again with the teasing.



"Okay, so I do."

Aunt Sherrie just grinned at me and handed me the bag.

"Here you go, sweetie. There are nine pairs in all, three from each of us. I'll bet you can guess who bought which pairs."

"I think I'm beginning to understand all of your tastes."

"We went to a little boutique that we have been shopping at for years. They sell a lot of imported lingerie. Most of these are from France. In fact I think they all are. That may be why they looked so different to you."

"Thank-you. I guess you're learning my tastes too," I said.

"Well, we have some experience with this after all."

There was that sentence again. The first time that Bambi and Patti had each given me payment in panties for jobs that I did for them they said the same thing to me. Now I needed to ask a question that had been rolling around in the back of my mind for months.

"Auntie, what do you mean by that? Patti and Bambi each said the same thing before. What are you talking about?"

"Let's just say that once upon a time someone very close to us confided in us that he had the same fascination that you have. We teased him at first and it caused a problem, a big problem. When we apologized and told him that we would support him, things got better. It was important for him to have someone to trust. That is just what I want for you. Okay?"

"Well, okay. I understand. You have been great to me. I love you, Auntie."

"I love you too, honey. Now it's time to go. Your uncle and I are going out in a little while."

* * *

I could not get home fast enough. I didn't run any red lights or blow through any stop signs, but I may have cut off a few smaller, slower cars. By the way, what the hell is it with these 75-year old men who have to drive these big-ass Cadillacs five miles an hour under the speed limit, and these fucking soccer moms in the Chevy Suburbans. Two kids and they need an automobile big enough to carry the 82nd Airborne division. Cripes!

As you can imagine, I get a little irritable when slowpokes are interfering in my panty plan. I had the whole thing worked out in my head. First I had to clean up the pair I was wearing. I couldn't let anything bad happen to the baby blues Patti gave me. Second, after I showered, I'd lay out all the old pairs on one side of the bed and the new pairs on the other. Then I'd just take my time going from one pair to the other, stroking them across my body, stroking them across my cock.

The whole scheme nearly crapped out when I got home to a call from a friend who wanted to go out that night.

"Yo, dude. Where you been keeping. Come on and get ready, we're chasing girls tonight."

Girls, give me a fucking break; I've got panties to attend to. Boy, that sentence is a cause for concern.

"Hey, man. I've been working all day and I've got to rest a sore back."

"Well, okay. Cool man. Your loss means more for me. Later."

"Yeah, later." Click. "Jackass."

Left in peace at last to spend my Friday night the way I wanted, I proceeded to carry out my aforementioned plan to perfection. I laid the old collection to the left, and I laid the new contributions to the right. The gold and black embossed panties along with the burgundy and gold Embossed pair went up top. Below that I laid out the elegant tap pants that Patti likes to wear. Under those I placed Bambi's chosen gold thong. Then I dove into the bag for the final five pairs.

I pulled out another thong similar in style to the gold one. This one was copper, and it made a striking impression on me. I put it with its sister and returned to the bag. Next came out a pair of silk and lace briefs in black; the sides were dressed in silk with the front and rear of the briefs a solid piece of lace. I wasn't sure at first who had chosen these, but for some reason they made me think of Patti. My suspicion was confirmed when I took out the next pair. They were the same style as the two other pairs that Aunt Sherrie had chosen. The prettiest of the three, this pair was in mauve - sort of a tan color, but darker and richer. The embossed design was in black. Those went with the others.

The next pair of panties was obviously Patti's. They were another pair of tap pants in a dark hunter green. The final pair of panties could only have been chosen by Bambi. I guessed that she was a bit of a wild child, as bold in her underwear as she was in her language. She had chosen a leopard print thong that made me want to sit up and say, "meow." Not as elegant as the other thongs in the bag, it was no less sexy or expensive as it was genuine silk. In fact it was the smoothest of the bunch.

I worked myself into a frenzy that night. I took each pair of the new panties and caressed my body with them. I never knew anything so smooth. I had one pair in each hand and rubbed them around my chest, my legs, and my groin.

I took Sherrie's gold and black embossed panties and wrapped them around my cock. I stroked myself with them and imagined what they might look like on her. I fantasized about Aunt Sherrie wearing these panties and how they would accentuate her long sexy legs. I imagined her sitting on the edge of my bed with her legs crossed as she had in her living room earlier in the day. I pictured her seductively uncrossing her legs and inviting me in for a closer look of her beautiful panty-clad legs. I got harder as I imagined standing before me in these panties that she had picked out just for me and welcoming me in to take a sniff of her scent.

I changed over to the copper thong Bambi had bought. I wrapped the thin end of the thong around the base of my cock and rubbed myself through the soft silk fabric. I also picked up the exciting leopard thong and stroked my cock with it. I fantasized about Bambi also. I imagined her crawling up my body to rub her thong in my face as she grinded her thong into my nose. I fantasized about Bambi, the wild child who loves cocks so much pushing my body down on the bed and jumping onto my cock and taking me for a hard ride with her thong.

And I fantasized about Patti, the wonderful woman who literally held my hand throughout the interview with my aunt and her sisters. Patti, who had been so comforting and gentle with me. Patti, who preferred tap pants. I stroked myself with the dark green tap pants while imagining Patti holding out her arms and welcoming me close to her naked bosom. I wanted her to hold my body tight as she had held my hand earlier. She was wearing the dark green panties that I held in my hand. I conjured the image of caressing her through her very special garments, and I grew even harder still when she smiled down on me.

I rose from the bed and stood over my collection clutching the pink tap pants and pressing them against my chest. I used the nude nylon bikinis that Aunt Sherrie had given me months ago to pump my cock. I drank in all the panties spread out before me on my bed and pumped harder and harder until I had an irrisitable need to come. I came right into the panties that I held in my hand, and I didn't stop pumping until I was dry.

The clean up was quick. I wanted to wash the semen out of my nude nylons before a stain set in. I was becoming frantic about ruining anything, and I decided to wear a condom from now on in order to catch my load.

I went to sleep that night wearing Patti's dark pink tap pants. Again, she seemed to find the panties that I enjoyed the most. Or maybe it was just the emotional bond that I felt for her. Either way, I fell asleep dressed in the little pink panties that she had bought just for me. And I never slept better in my life.

* * *

Several months would go by without any jobs to complete for Aunt Sherrie or her sisters. I had plenty of time to play with all the sexy garments that they had provided me with so far, and I tried not to get greedy hoping that soon one of them would have a new task for me.

I had one or two conversations on the phone with my aunt during this time. She called to check in on me and to see if I was okay. She also started asking some questions about my social life like if I was dating anyone. I hadn't been meeting any girls lately. The stresses of balancing college work, a part-time job, and my secret fetish conspired to keep me out of circulation. That and the fact that I wasn't feeling very comfortable around girls in general.

"You know, you need to get out and circulate from time to time," she advised.

"I know, but sometimes it seems a little hard. I get nervous."

"Is there anyone out there you've had your eye on?"

"No, not really. A lot of the girls are already seeing someone, and many of the others just aren't interesting."

"Well, maybe there is something auntie can do to help you."

"Like what?"

"You just let auntie see what she can do. Goodbye, honey."

Click. She hung up the phone.

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