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Will Work For Shoes 2

"So I had the shoe clerk bring a few boxes out for me to look at. The ones with the pointy toes, I put aside—I just couldn't deal with them, although I tried a pair or two in case they were more comfortable than they looked. They weren't. If I'm going to even think about paying five hundred for a pair of shoes I want to be able to wear them. But the sandals suited me just fine.

"All the while I was thinking that the shoe clerk seemed just a little more interested in me than usual—I figured it was just the way they did things in Neiman-Marcus; you expect a little better service for what you're paying in there. There was something about the way he was handling my feet, helping to insert them into the shoes, doing up all the little buckles and straps himself. And when he took the shoes off, I swear it was like he was feeling my feet up.

"Tell me about the shoe clerk," Gavin said.

Sidonie raised one of her overemphatic eyebrows. "Young, early twenties maybe; slim, dark-haired. Beautiful hands, in a masculine sort of way, with the longest thumbs I'd ever seen. Something kind of foreign, exotic about him, although I couldn't put my finger on it…"

"You thought he was…attractive?"

"You know I like 'em a little rougher around the edges than that." She gave Gavin another one of her havoc-inducing grins that caused his cock to jump. "Although, come to think about it—young and dark-haired, I bet I know somebody who'd—"

Gavin removed his hand from around his cock and gave it a firm tap with his forefinger, a primal, primate's gesture. It dipped down and sprang back up again.

"Stay on purpose, Sid!" he said.

"Ok, yeah, he was attractive. Especially those hands, the way he kept massaging my ankles and insteps and brushing those long thumbs over my toes." Sidonie stretched her legs out in such a way that once again, her dress fell to one side and it was hard not to see her pussy. "Anyway, he kept bringing out more shoes, most of them Manolos, and I was getting into trying them on, like I was Carrie Bradshaw or something, and…I sort of didn't notice that the store was getting emptier and emptier. I noticed the other clerks punching out, but I figured, hell, if this guy wanted to go into overtime or work off the clock or whatever on the chance that I might buy some of these shoes, it was his business.

"Next thing I knew, there was nobody around in the shoe department except him and me, and I thought I'd better put him out of his misery one way or another. I was just about on the verge of getting these sandals, the ones I wore out of the store. I looked up and noticed two things: one, the lights had been dimmed in the rest of the store, and two, this other guy turned up that I'd never seen before; the shoe clerk must have called him on his cell, and he'd been there, watching me try on shoes—I just hadn't noticed."

"Sidonie," Gavin said, "Any normal woman by now would be frightened out of her mind."

"Well, don't think I wasn't—somewhat. I mean, the concept of having two guys paying attention to me isn't entirely foreign, but I like to be more involved in the set-up, thank you very much. I was thinking to myself, well, I've gotten in over my head at last, and what's it going to be? I didn't have any faith in the security people; it seemed clear to me they had been paid to be somewhere else. I thought I might could outrun the guys; and I had the phone, if I could get a hold of it and use it before they noticed and tried to take it from me; but suppose I didn't? Was I going to be able to fight them at all, or—"

Obviously, there had been no fight, whatever had happened.

"What did the other guy look like?"

"Oh, older than the first guy, very kind of Euro; but I thought there was something vaguely Asiatic in there, although he was heavier built than most of those guys are; dark hair and naturally olive skin. He wore an Armani suit—at least, I'll call it an Armani suit. It was Continental cut, and expensive as hell; I could tell that.

"Anyway, there I was, sitting down, and they were grouped in front of me—not exactly surrounding me; in fact, they had drawn up those shoe clerk's stools and were sitting down on them; I suppose, to make me feel less threatened than if they were standing up and I was gazing into their crotches. Not that I could tell anything from that at this point—you know how those expensive suits are—cut so that nothing, not your wallet, not a set of keys, not a gun or a blackjack, and certainly not anything so déclassé as a woody, is going to ruin their perfect, perfect line.

"Armani Suit said, 'Madam, I hope my associate and I have not alarmed you, but I just have to tell you: you've got the loveliest feet I've seen in years.'"

Gavin couldn't argue with that. Sidonie did have lovely feet, and she was justifiably proud of them. It had bothered her so much that she could not maintain a pedicure to her standards during her pregnancies, due to not being able to reach over her belly, that he had not only taken care of that for her, but had gone to the trouble of taking acrylic paints and putting little oriental-style miniature paintings on her toenails one week, and abstracts the next; and this was decades before anyone had ever heard of nail art. All of her friends had been impressed, and one of them offered him $100 and a blowjob if he'd do her toenails the same way. He turned her down, however.

"Then he went on to say that if I really didn't want to be there, they would escort me to the door of the store with no hard feelings, but then…he offered to buy me these shoes, let me walk out of the store with them for nothing, if I would just—allow him to massage my feet and give them the loving homage they deserved.

"You know how it is when you're so—well, maybe not necessarily frightened, but so, so keyed up that your whole system is just flooded with adrenaline and everything is on go, including your sexual response."


"Right. I was primed to run, and my heart was going like a drum, but I could also feel my pussy getting all hot and juicy, and when the guys put this proposition to me, I found that I wasn't really frightened any more, but I was still excited."

"What made you decide?"

"Well, I'd decided they weren't going to hurt me. I wanted the shoes. Besides, recently I'd…do you know what it's like to have guys that would have been looking you over and checking you out a few years ago calling you 'ma'am' and…not really seeing you? There was some of that. But above all…I was curious."

Gavin sighed, bemused. "That's my girl. So what happened next?"

"Armani Suit took off his suit coat and moved the clerk's stool in front of me, and took my feet in his hands and put them on his lap. He got out a little bottle of oil, poured some into the palm of one hand and began giving me one of the best foot massages I'd ever had in my life. It felt so good I wanted to purr. In fact I did relax so much that I let my knees fall apart; as soon as I realized it, I clapped them together again. He said I didn't have to do that—in fact, he asked me to take my panties off, because he was sure that my pussy was as good looking as my feet were. I didn't plan to, but then I thought, why not? So I slid them down my legs, he handed them to me, and I put them in my purse. Like I said, my feet were in his lap and I could feel how hard his dick was; it felt like a piece of warm pipe under my toes. I started caressing it with my toes and sort of rolling it around under the balls of my feet. I could tell he liked it. He spread his legs a little and began to nudge back at my feet with that hard dick. Oh, he was getting into it, all right!

"And can you believe it? I started getting into it too. His excitement was feeding into mine. In a little bit I reached out with my toes and began working at the buckle of his belt. I managed to get my toe under the free end of his belt, and worked it out of the buckle; then I got it between my toes and pulled it free of the tongue. I tried to undo his trousers with my toes, but I couldn't do it—not enough reason to practice such fine motor skills with them, plus there really wasn't any slack in his pants in front, because by now he was making a fine tent. Ha, so much for spoiling the line of his suit. He let go my feet long enough to help me out; he undid his pants—he was wearing white silk boxers underneath—and tugged them down enough so that my feet rested on his naked thighs. He had a big old woody." Sidonie grinned with mischievous amusement.

"How big was it?"

Sidonie made a how-should-I-know gesture. "Longer than you, but not nearly as wide…respectable, anyway. I started rubbing it with my feet, spreading the pre-cum all over the head with my toes, and every now and then I'd stroke his balls, too. He liked that—all of that. He was getting pretty hot and bothered, and I told him to put a little more oil on my feet, especially the insteps. He did, and I trapped his dick between my feet and started sliding them up and down. Sort of a treadle action like when you're operating one of these old style sewing machines like they had in those shirt factories. He was holding onto my feet again, squeezing them together and helping me pump. I could feel how hard and hot his cock was, and the way it kept emerging from between my feet like a piston was an interesting sight. He began to breathe heavily and groan…"

"What was the shoe clerk doing?"

"Watching all this, of course. He had his cock out of his pants, too; he was stroking it, not too hard; it was like he was saving his shot…not unlike what you're doing now, darlin'…

"Armani Suit was getting more and more excited, and the more excited he got, the more I started to get, too. Besides, there was that treadle action I was doing…something about the way my thigh muscles were flexing. And my dress had ridden up, too; and the slit had fallen away to either side of my crotch; I was sure the guys were getting a pretty good look at me, especially when I'd vary the stroke by taking his dick between my soles instead of the instep, because then I had to part my knees. I thought, I'm going to hold out as long as possible, but it's just a matter of time before I'll have to have some relief.

"But just as I was thinking that, he molded my feet around his dick really hard, and started helping me press them up and down; and I could see he was about to come. He breathed faster and faster, louder and louder, and then I saw the very moment the cum spouted out the end of his cock. It poured down in hot streams all over my feet."

Sidonie stretched one leg out in front of her, with its foot clad delicately in chains and straps; the other she drew up, so that her dress once again fell away on either side of her hips. Dreamily she stirred one finger between the juicy petals of her cunt, circling it tantalizingly over the engorged bud of her clit; then she sucked the warm liquor off her finger.

"Then what happened?" Gavin asked hoarsely.

"Well, here I was with these cum-covered feet. Things went quickly after that. Armani Suit moved and the shoe clerk sat down where he'd been; pulled the stool up pretty close, lifted each of my feet and started licking them. He licked the other guy's jism off them, then he kept on licking them, rubbing them all over his face, getting between the toes like a cat, sucking on them. I had thought I was going to be doing the same for him that I'd done for the other guy, and wondered if I was going to get tired, but while he was lifting my feet up to his face, Suit Guy got down and started chowing down on his cock. I couldn't see anything except Suit Guy's head bobbing up and down, but I could hear the moaning and the groaning, the slurping and slobbering, the mmf-ing and gulping. Being kind of young and all, the clerk didn't take long; he'd barely gotten my feet clean when he was letting it all loose into his friend's mouth, going Hunh Hunh Hunh! while Suit Guy was gulping it all down. God, what a turn-on! I think it was mostly the excitement and the noise, but man! I was horny as hell, and needed to do something…however, I didn't want to get it on with either of the guys, and as for them, they'd had the part of me that they wanted.

"It was over fast after that—the guys pulled their pants back up and Suit Guy put his jacket back on. The shoe clerk tenderly buckled the Puriscas onto my feet like nothing out of the ordinary had happened, and took my hand and lifted me to my feet. Suit Guy had him ring up the shoes. They politely escorted me to the door and let me out. I never knew who they were; they never knew who I was. I was still so horny I could barely walk. And…you know what happened after that."

"Yeah." Gavin looked down at his cock. It was twitching with the rhythm of his blood, and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. He looked at his wife, stretched out on the chaise. "Unbutton your dress the rest of the way."

She began to slowly undo each of the tiny buttons in front of her dress, and while he watched, he quickly got out of his clothes, letting them fall in a heap on top of his shoes. A sketch was forming in his mind, and he thought of how he'd work on it later, when he had time for it: she, lying on the chaise with her long legs spread, her face remote and eyes faraway with the memory of the thing she had seen and done, the length and definition of her legs, the rest of her body, barely suggested with shadows and lines, but her engorged and lubricious cunt, and her beautiful feet in their straps and chains and four-inch stiletto heels, rendered in baroque detail.

He crossed over to where she lay on the chaise, his thick cock bobbing a little at each step, and stood next to her. Another bead of precum slid out of the end of it and headed for the floor in a slow-motion, growing thread, but before it could get anywhere, Sidonie leaned over toward him and caught it on her tongue. Taking the cock in her hand, she pulled him gently closer and swirled her tongue all around the head before closing her lips on it. He could feel it being bathed in fresh warm saliva, and let himself be pulled deeper in. The hair he did not have on his body stood up as he felt a mélange of her agile tongue flicking his pee slit, frenulum and sensitive underside; the corrugated roof of her mouth, and the grip of her throat muscles. She hummed a low note that he felt more than he heard. She brought up her other hand to lightly graze his scrotum with her well-kept nails. He felt his balls draw up not in fear, but from a wracking need to deliver their aching burden into this woman's mouth; he thought of how it would feel; the way she would look and the sounds she would make as she drank his cum as if it were melted ice cream. That was almost a fatal error. He backed, and watched her cheeks grow concave as she attempted to keep up a perfect suction. Her eyes were semi-closed in pleasure. He would have liked to come in her mouth, but he also needed and intended to fuck her, and damn it, he was getting to where if he came in her mouth, it didn't take him that long to get it up again, but he had to wait a hell of a long time before he got off. She, of course, didn't have this problem.

He took it out of her mouth. "So you were saving your pleasure for me?"


He took her hand and drew her to an upright position. "You've got the damnedest notion of virtue, sweetheart. First you managed to get paid $530 for a foot job and then you used me like I was an object, is what you did."

"I needed to."

"I know," he said. He drew her up the rest of the way and she slipped out of her dress, leaving it behind on the chaise, and stood before him naked, but for her shoes. In the high heels, she stood enough taller so that he had to tilt his head up a little to kiss her. She turned to put one foot up on the chaise so she could slip off her shoes. "Leave them on," he said.

Just as he had wanted in the parking garage, she lifted her pelvis and sheathed her hot, hungry pussy down onto his cock. She firmed up her wide-legged stance and wrapped her arms around his shoulders for balance, but he had already decided where he wanted her; cautiously, so as to avoid contact with her sharp heels, he slow-danced her around the end of the chaise and up to the side of their bed. She braced her arms against it. He brought his hands up to her breasts and pinched her nipples. She inhaled, and he could feel her tighten around him.

She felt different on the inside than she had the first time he'd ever put it in her. Under the slippery layer of juice, she was like raw silk, with slubs and striae that having Geneva and Branden had put there, but he liked it. And she was still tight, and he knew how to catch with edge of helmet and the wide back of his cock the fascinating little irregularity near the top of her entrance that made her—

"Oh, yeah, Gavin," she sighed. "That's where. God that feels good. Do that some more."

He braced her against the side of the high bed and plunged into her with his thick cock, keeping up a slow, but not too slow, steady rhythm. He could sense the charge of pleasure building up inside her, and he loved the act of thrusting; the tension of the quads, the snap of his hips, the flexing of butt muscles; loved it as much as being squeezed by her wild-silk tightness. She had been answering his thrusts with short, sharp thrusts of her own, but when she liked his rhythm and thought she could come to it, she made herself still, standing there quivering and utterly receptive. He knew that all he had to do was to keep on with what he was doing.

"Ah…oh God, Gav, that's…oh, do that, do that…fuck me, just like…fuck me…fuck m…oh fuck that feels g—ah!…ah! Ah! AH! AH…!" He felt fresh hot juice surround him; her convulsing cunt gripped, and gripped...he could feel her abdominal muscles ripple against his. She continued to pant and groan, her face emptied of any emotion except enjoyment of the sensation rushing through the core of her body. He could have bucked into her and lost it in her right there, but he wasn't going to let her go that easily. He would remind her who her man was, and he was going to flat wear her out—or himself.

"Gonna nail you, Sidonie…" he grunted as he thrust into her. "nail you to the fucking wall…"

In their years together they had done it slow and sweet, hot and fierce; in laughter and deadly seriousness. They had used every position that worked and did not throw out their backs. But there was something about this one; in it there was thousands of years of soldiers getting one last piece of the women they loved against a city wall before marching off to war; or taking women of the enemy as flames illuminated the sack of their towns…and he remembered once, a few months before he and Sidonie were married, taking her against a brick wall after they had defended themselves, with fists and feet and broken bottles, against a trio of toughs who had set upon them in an alley in old Glendene.

He amused himself by leaning back just enough to where he could look down at himself gliding in and out, and at the flushed inner lips of her pussy stretched tightly and dragging over his thick, veined shaft, moving with each of his thrusts. He felt himself starting to slip towards the inescapable vortex of an orgasm and looked away. He wasn't quite ready to come yet, as badly as he wanted to. He palmed her breasts again and pinched her hard tits, more firmly than he had before. She came again, mildly for her. The shiver that ran through her strong body, the greedy clasp of her sex, and her moaning exhalations almost did for him.

They rocked and thrust together. The suspenseful feeling of approaching climax coiled tighter, in his balls, in the core of his penis. He had read or seen on TV somewhere that the penis really started deep inside the body, and he could believe it. He put his hand down between himself and Sidonie and found the little hard ridge of her clitoris. He stroked it from root to tip, from side to side. Sidonie brought one hand down to cover and guide his. She slid a little lower against the bed, moving her hips as if she were belly dancing, and worked her slick, hot pussy on his cock in a narrow ellipse. Her teeth bared in a grimace of bliss, she began to tremble with tension and anticipation.

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