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With My Best Friend's Mom 4

She could not breathe. She then saw Mrs. Shaw bent forward and her nightgown pulled up to reveal bare buttocks and a garter belt and black stockings. She also was wearing very high heels. What a slut! Then the young man had got behind Mrs. Shaw and started to fuck her like a machine. He was rubbing up her legs with his hands first until he just started pounding her with a fuck machine like quality and holding on to her. He fucked her so hard that the car visibly rocked! She could see his tight and muscular buttocks flexing as he plunged that hard cock into that old bitch's cunt! She was outraged and ultra horny at the same time. Her heart was beating so hard that she thought she was going to faint. She had seen porn movies before but never had she ever seen two people fuck like this young man and that lucky old bitch! He was fucking her so fast and so hard! He never seemed to stop and just would go from side to side and then back to his pounding causing that car to rock! He seemed to go on forever!

Kimberly thought about crazy the rumor she heard going around in the neighborhood that Mrs. Shaw was pregnant. At the time Kimberly thought that it was a sick joke given Mr. and Mrs. Shaw's age. If she was pregnant she was looking at the daddy.

She said under her breath, "How can that old bitch get pregnant when I cannot?"

Kimberly made a sound outside of the door when she inadvertently lost her footing causing her weight to land against the door. She had been watching them for at least fifteen minutes. She froze as the young man looked towards the window. Kimberly crouched down and slipped around the garage and then through another backyard before making her way back to her front door and into her home. Her heart and head were pounding. She was out of breath. She had crazy ideas of what to do. She thought of telling her husband or calling her best friend Kate but for a reason she could not come up with chose not to say anything to anyone. She thought of writing an anonymous letter to Mr. Shaw and telling him. She was angry, jealous and horny all at the same time. She went up to her closet in her room and retrieved her "friend." It was her vibrator and just a few minutes of applying it to her swollen and wet pussy sent her off into multiple orgasms. She kept on seeing that hard cock and that persistent pumping and the car rocking as she came. She then went to the kitchen and had her drink. Even after coming she felt wired.

That night after calming down Kimberly decided to become more acquainted with Mrs. Shaw.

Kimberly and Mike got up at about the same time the next morning. She made him breakfast. Since Kimberly had the summer off she would plan her day loosely. Mike got dressed and went to work. After having her breakfast and watching the morning news, Kimberly dressed in a pair of gym shorts and a sweatshirt as she was going to use her roller blades sometime that day. She walked out of her house and checked out the progress of the vegetable garden that she had planted. Coincidentally Mrs. Shaw walked out of her house and was headed to the garage. Kimberly noticed that Mr. Shaw's car was not in the driveway. The time was about 10:00 A.M.

Mrs. Shaw opened the overhead garage door and got into her new car and backed it out. She parked it in the driveway. She walked towards the side of the house and pulled on the garden hose. She retrieved a bucket and sponge from the garage and was washing her new car carefully as the top was down. It was not really dirty only dusty.

Kimberly approached Mrs. Shaw and her new car. She said, "Good morning. Congratulations on your new addition."

Mrs. Shaw frowned and then realized that her neighbor was speaking about her new car. She said, "Thank you. It was a real surprise. My Bernard is such a good man."

Kimberly wanted to puke as she said, "How does it drive?"

"It drives and handles beautifully and it is so powerful. It might be a little too much for me but at my age it might be time to handle powerful challenges. I feel like I have been reborn. I feel blessed and lucky."

Kimberly (changing the subject) said, "I know Bobby just recently graduated from high school. Is he going to college?"

"Yes he has been accepted to Boston University and he is especially happy because his best friend Danny is going to there as well. They are such good friends and wanted to be with each other at college."

Kimberly said, "Which friend is Danny. Is he the kid who I see shooting baskets on occasion?"

Mrs. Shaw looked at Kimberly carefully and initially said nothing.

She then said, "Yes that is him. He is such a bright and pleasant boy. He is Bobby's best friend. They are nearly inseparable. He also is quite enterprising as he does odd jobs for money. He has a regular summer job and also does house painting on the side. I wish Bobby had his energy."

Kimberly said to her self, "I bet."

Kimberly said, "Jeez. My husband and I are always busy at work. We would like the wall paper removed in the master bathroom and our bedroom painted. We want someone reliable. Has Danny ever done any painting in your house?"

"No he has not. But I have a friend in town that did use him and she said he very meticulous and very reasonable. He is also reliable. If you want I will give you his telephone number and you can say I was his reference."

"Thank you. That would be nice."

As Mrs. Shaw went into her house to get Danny's telephone number Kimberly's mind plotted further.

Mrs. Shaw went into her house and retrieved Danny's number and brought it out to Kimberly.

Kimberly thanked her and then said, "It is time for me to go rollerblade. Have a great day and good luck with your new car."

Mrs. Shaw nodded and then went back to washing the Audi.

Kimberly thought that Mrs. Shaw certainly was very effusive about Danny.

That night when Mike had come home Kimberly brought up the subject of having the master bedroom painted and removing the wallpaper from the bathroom. Mike told Kimberly if that is what she wanted then she could contact a painting contractor and get an estimate. Kimberly then told Mike about her conversation with Lois Shaw and he told her to call this kid Danny and see if he wanted to consider the job. Mike told Kimberly that if she was going to call Danny then it should be sooner rather than later as he was going away to college in the fall.

At one point in time Kimberly started to ask herself just what it was that she wanted with respect to this seemingly mindless pursuit of a teenager. Was it that she was bored? Was it that she sensed a competition between herself and a middle aged next door neighbor? Since when was it her business to intrude on the personal matters of strangers? How could she make a value judgment about behavior not her own when the very sight of this young guy with the tight buns and hard cock caused her to give herself multiple orgasms?

Or was it the fact that she could not get pregnant and Mike would not consider adoption? Was getting pregnant with a stranger an option? How could she consider such a thing without Mike knowing about it?

It was if Kimberly was mentally off to Neverland. Even though these things rang true for her she could not get the garage images out of her mind.

Kimberly called what turned out to be Danny's cell phone number and left a message indicating who she was and who had recommended her. She in turn left her cell phone number for the call back. She waited for his call.

The next day at about noon time she accessed her messages and it was Danny. He sounded so cheerful and nice on the phone and said she could call him after 4:00 P.M.

Kimberly felt like she was in high school waiting for a guy to call as she waited for a time to call Danny. She wondered to her self why she was so excited about having a room painted. Then she admitted that she was excited by meeting this "stud" face to face. At 4:00 P.M. Kimberly called Danny's number. On the second ring he answered.

She kept a calm, friendly and professional voice tone at the same time her hand was rubbing the crotch to her slacks. He said he would consider the job but wanted to check the size of the rooms involved to see how long it would take him. He said he could be at the Williams home by 6:00 P.M. that same afternoon. She agreed.

Kimberly started wondering what she should wear. She then chastised herself for acting like an idiot and just settled on what she had on. She changed her mind again and settled on a pair of short shorts she wore when she did her roller blading. She had on a pair of flip flops and a white cotton tee shirt. She had a little make up on at the time.

Mike usually came home at about 7:00 P.M. at he took the bus to and from New York every day and then walked from the bus stop. Danny showed up a little after 6:00 P.M. He had a pad and pencil with a tape measure. He introduced himself and walked in.

Kimberly thought that he looked taller than she thought he would be and a little stockier. He had such a nice smile and she noticed dimples when he smiled. He was respectful. He had on a pair of black jeans with a blue short sleeved shirt and running shoes.

She tried to not think about what she had seen in the Shaw garage but the images kept popping up. She thought that his butt looked great but then she had seen it in the raw already and thought it looked great then. They walked into the bathroom and he said that removing the wall covering would be easy. She wanted the walls smoothed out and then painted. Then they went into the bedroom and he looked and measured just as he did in the bathroom. He said that if she wanted then she could either accompany him to the paint store or have him bring paint samples. She said she preferred if she could accompany him and that would work for her. He told her his price and she said that it sounded reasonable and then he said he could start the next week. She said that would be fine. He asked her if she could drive him to the paint store the next day to make a selection. He said he could not get his father's car the next day. She said she would pick him up after at his home after he got home from work and she mentioned the time of 4:30 P.M. He said that would be okay He gave Kimberly his home address. He left.

Kimberly sensed that Danny did not find her overly attractive. She was young (aged 29) and athletic and (she thought sexy) and yet he barely noticed her as far as she could sense.

How could he be getting so excited about a woman who was so much older than she was? Could he be in love with Mrs. Shaw? Kimberly asked her self how she could be getting so excited about a 19 year old boy. What the hell was she thinking about? Where did she think she was going with this obsession? I mean she was married! She had a stable marriage to a loyal and good man.

Then Kimberly thought about her marriage and how much it meant to her. On the other hand she thought she "deserved" more from life.

Why had Danny at least not checked out her breasts? I mean her nipples were poking out by virtue of just being around Danny yet he looked right through her.

The she remembered the garter belt and heels on Lois when she looked into the garage. Did Lois wear them because that is what she thought Danny liked? Did Danny want her to wear them? He was rubbing her legs on occasion when he was fucking her against the car. That had to be it. Danny is a leg man!

Kimberly went to the bathroom and drew herself a hot bath. She had not done so in months. She put bath bubbles into the tub and contemplated her next move. She brought a glass of wine into the bathroom. She would not or could not answer her own questions regarding her true intentions on the subject of Danny. She lit a few candles and had her portable radio in the bathroom while she used the vibrating shower head on her clit to send her off to another world as she conjured up the images that now had taken control of her life.

It was not that she was lying to herself. It was that she was not admitting anything to herself. For some reason she decided to place herself into a competition with an older woman. She was doing this while ostensibly happily married. None of this made sense to Kimberly as she tried to think it through. Yet she did not stop herself from thinking about Danny. She could see in her mind the vision of his cock and how his butt flexed as he pounded into Lois Shaw!

As Danny walked out of the front door to the Williams home, someone was watching him from the Shaw home. It was Lois. For some reason she regretted giving out the information to Kimberly Williams about Danny. She felt uneasy about Kimberly's youth. She actually felt a pang of jealousy.

Danny thought that Mrs. Williams was okay. She did seem attentive and he had the sense that there was something on her mind. He made a minor note of it but did not give it a lot of thought. This was an opportunity to make some extra money in an air conditioned house.

It was fun fucking Lois again. He wanted to settle in for the rest of the summer and make some money for school not thinking about anyone being pregnant. Those were adult problems and he was still a kid. There was always the possibility of being able to visit Mrs. Shaw and give her a good fucking if the timing was right. No one would be the wiser.

Kimberly got up from bed and made breakfast for Mike and her. She had her coffee. She gave herself a quick cat bath and then went out to the mall. While she was there she was checking the time constantly. She was trying to come up with something to wear that would get Danny's attention yet not appear to look like she was trying too hard. At the mall she selected a blue jean skirt that was a little on the short side. She thought about going barelegged but then remembered Danny's ardor as he felt Lois legs and pounded her pussy. She chose a flesh colored pantyhose and a pair of flat shoes as well as a lime green top. She then went to a place that sold "sensuous clothing" and purchased a garter belt and full fashioned stockings as well as a pair of beige crotch less pantyhose. After arriving home from the mall she went out and did her rollerblading for over one hour. She was sweating profusely. She came home and took a hot shower. She shaved her legs and played with her hair. She left her house at 4:20 P.M. and arrived at Danny's house at about 4:30 P.M. She was there about two minutes when Danny came out of the house and got into her car.

The first thing that Danny noticed when he got into the car was her legs. He felt like he was being cool as he did not let his eyes lurk. Inside he said, "Wow does she look good. She looks so different dressed up." For Danny when a woman dressed up (even in a jean skirt), it meant she was dressed up. All girls he knew in high school seldom if ever wore a skirt and never wore pantyhose or god forbid thigh highs.

On the way to the paint store Danny kept his eyes forward or to the right. He talked about going away to college in less than two months. She asked what he was going to major in and he though Computer Science. They arrived at the paint store.

With the assistance of the store's paint guru and with the input of Kimberly, the paint selections were made. Also purchased was the material to prep the walls after removing the wallpaper. The items were then placed into the trunk of the car. Danny had carried the paint and he had Kimberly pop open the trunk.

They made their way back to the Williams home and Danny unloaded the paint and other materials and placed the items in the garage. Kimberly offered lemonade to Danny and he accepted. He was very conscious of keeping his eyes forward and to her eyes. He was having problems doing this. Danny was seated at the kitchen table and Kimberly brought a glass of lemonade to him. She reached around him to get a napkin for him and she got close enough to smell her perfume and see the outline of her nipples.

He could feel the pulse in his head pounding. As she walked away from him he checked out her legs for a moment. They were gorgeous. He wondered whether she wore a thong or went without panties. He felt himself getting hard. His teenaged mind was going through a natural progression.

She sat on one of the kitchen chairs and as she crossed her legs the phone rang and she had to reach for it. Her skirt rose on her legs. Danny looked at her legs and then looked at Kimberly and she was staring at him. He blushed and looked away as she took the call. The call was from her husband and he was running late. He would not be home until later that evening and he told her that maybe she could reheat the frozen lasagna from the freezer for dinner.

For a few minutes Kimberly sat across from Danny and they spoke. She was trying to think on the fly as to what she wanted to do with this kid. He really seemed to be mesmerized by her legs. She was mesmerized by the idea of his cock buried in her pussy. She thought that she was seeing the beginnings of an erection. She decided to cool her self down and sleep on this for a night. She was wet for sure. She needed time to think. She offered to drive him home. He accepted.

They walked out the front door and then to her car. Lois Shaw looked out of the bedroom window on the second floor and her eyes were like daggers as she saw the skirt that Kimberly Williams was wearing as she and "her Danny" got into the car.

Danny's mind was all over the place. He could not understand what was going on in his life. He went from famine to feast within the last month or so. First there was Lois and now maybe Kimberly. I mean he would look in the mirror and see an average looking guy with an average looking physique.

It seemed like Kimberly knew that he was crazy about legs but how? Could it be that all women over the age of twenty-five wore stockings or pantyhose? He did not think so as he noticed women of all ages around when he was at the mall or out with his friends and the trend was now the bare leg look.

He then remembered the night he and Lois checked out her new Audi and remembered thinking he was being watched. Maybe it was Kimberly who was watching. He then dismissed the idea as it seemed so improbable.

Danny made a concerted effort to keep his eyes ahead when he was driven home. He was able to do so. As he prepared to leave Kimberly's car she told him that she looked forward to have him do the painting in her home.

For Danny this was a weird comment. Was he thinking that every woman was after him? That was ridiculous. But there was something in the way she looked at him. She appeared to be the lioness and he was the prey. He gave himself chills when he conjured up that image.

He was not so sophisticated in the world of women. Sometimes it did get complex. He went to bed that night and had a somewhat restless sleep.

He was delayed in starting the job and did not start until the next Thursday. He had decided to quit his regular job and just do the painting jobs that would come in so as to give himself some more time to himself. He arrived with a ride from his father at 10:00 A.M. Kimberly in jeans (thank God) answered the door. He had his drop cloths and other materials as he first worked on the bathroom. He was able to get the paper off the walls and started to prep the walls for painting by early afternoon. Kimberly was in the house early in the day and then said she was going out for a few hours. At about the same time Danny accessed his cell phone messages. There was a message from Lois. He called her. She asked him how he was and they had a friendly conversation. He said he saw Kimberly leave and Danny told her she was going to be gone for a few hours. Lois said that there was no one at home if he wanted to "visit."

He was sweaty but of course horny and he walked across the driveway and into the Shaw home. Lois had been ready to go out to a luncheon with her girlfriends when she saw Kimberly leave. She had on a summer weight white cotton dress with blue and white sling back heels and beige colored stockings. Also she had on a fresh coat of a red lipstick she said was called "Red Allure." She sat at a chair at the kitchen table. Without saying one word she pulled down Danny's pants and underwear, leaned forward and took his sweaty cock into her mouth. He pulled up her dress so he could look at her long legs as she serviced him. She sucked and slobbered over his cock for about five minutes before he shot a prodigious load into her mouth. Danny held the back of her head as he unloaded and she swallowed. After he pulled his cock back into his pants Lois looked up at him and smiled. He could see the come residue inside of her mouth and stuck to her teeth. She told him he tasted sweet. He told her it might be a good idea to reapply her lipstick and brush her teeth before going out. She laughed. He walked back to the Williams home and back to his work.

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