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With My Best Friend's Mom 7

I was scheduled to be at the airport for the trip to Boston at 3:00 P.M. Lois volunteered to drive Bobby and me. We packed the Audi and we got to the airport. We did the check in routine. Bobby left for a moment to get a pack of gum when Lois asked me to accompany her to where the rest rooms were located. I asked why and she smirked. She ducked into the ladies room. Looked briefly and then pulled me in and then into a stall. She put her hand against my mouth and sat me on the toilet whispering for me to pull down my pants. I did so. She had on a green skirt with brown stockings and no underwear. She guided me into her pussy and then moved up and down on me while facing away from me. This was absolutely crazy. I could hear women coming in and going out and using the stall next to us. We were in there for about ten minutes. I heard my name as well as Lois's name being paged as Bobby must have been frantic. Yet I could not stop myself from plowing that pussy and rubbing those legs. I shot my load. She stood up and tried to quell her giggling. I had my hand luggage with me in the stall of the ladies room I was ready to be arrested at any moment.

She poked her head out and we ran out. I noticed my come running down her nylons. Near the alcove I walked into the other side where the men's room was located just as I heard what sounded like some type of police activity nearby. I was in the men's room where I washed my hands and walked calmly towards the security gate. Bobby in an agitated vice asked where I had been and I said I had shopped for a magazine and then had to use the bathroom because I had a "problem." Lois said to Bobby that she had just gone for a walk and quickly kissed him and said her goodbye. She then looked at me with a sly smile as we went to our plane.

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Disclaimer: All posted stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

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