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Workin' It

She was humping and rubbing her sweet, juicy, pussy all over my face, as we danced the sixty-nine. I, on my back, while she happily rode my face, on top. We were loving every stolen moment intently, while concentrating on the others genital enjoyment. We were feeding the frenzy and on the verge of exploding or at least self immolation.

She was a big girl and had worked up a sweat, while sucking on my dick. She always sweat profusely when we were at it. She worked hard at getting me off. And I worked her back just as hard. The spanking I had given her, soft loving to stinging whacks on her butt hadn't hurt either to get her in the mood.

We had finally been getting together regularly after she caught her husband cheating on her, again. It seems he had a foot fetish she knew nothing about. He was a foot freak. No. Really. he got off on women's feet and got caught in the woman's shoe department of the local K-mart jerking off on the sandals. Six months in a mental institution. She filed for divorce. She was really pissed because he never touched her feet and his idea of sex was to wake her in the middle of the night, when he was ready, by pinching her nipples. Then climbing on would relieve himself in less than five minutes. Roll off, returning to sleep leaving her frustrated... again.

Now with two hands full she slobber sucked the head, balls and everything in between. My sub inhaled all of me and in a frenzy, crammed the head down her throat. Her little hands clutching each nut and stretching the sac and licking on it. I was swollen to my full thick nine inches from her loving ministrations. I loved the way she worked my dick. On occasion she would just "take care of Master", as she called it. I would be placed in a reclining position and she would climb between my legs and give me what I always needed. She would kiss and love and caress and suck and bite and do anything else that came into her imaginative and sexy mind.

I was finding it hard to concentrate on licking her snatch. She was working me to diversion. I was really thankful she was fucking my face and getting off on it. Thumbs of both hands spread the top of her labia so I could suck on her hard little clit. I was actually able to chew on it. Fingers of both hands stroked and spread her swollen lips. One index finger on her 'g' spot, while my right pinkie teased her puckered, asshole. I had filled her tight little brown hole on more than one occasion. The last time was with her sister sub sucking her pussy and my balls, after she had impaled her ass on my dick, facing away from me, as I manipulated her tits. When she came you would have thought someone set off fireworks up her rear. We had been at it for a while and her juices had my face looking like a glazed donut. She tasted like honey and I could never get enough of her sweet cum and I was really getting all I could slurp down.

She was just so easy to talk to, a willing, serving, Slave and needed to make me feel so good. I always wanted to make her feel good too so I redoubled my efforts and put my other pinkie in her asshole. She rewarded me with another shuddering cum and another sweet load to taste. That was my multiorgasmic slave. She would suck and lick on me for hours and could cum as long and it satisfied me greatly to make her cum that way.

I really loved to be on top in a kind of sixty-nine position with her legs trapped under my armpits. My knees trapping her head with her shoulders unable to slide up the bed when the feeling I was giving her got too good. She would be bent almost in two and totally under my tongues control. I would suck her into a frenzy and there was nothing she could do about it except cum and scream incoherently.

She was inhaling me and yelled with me in her mouth as she came. The screams came out muffled and felt so good on my dick it sent me over the edge. I know the first shot went right down her throat and she never got to taste it at all. The next four found her mouth waiting even sucking them out her tongue swirling, sucking and swallowing. Knowing each other we did not stop what we were doing. That is just when the feelings really feel great. We licked and slurped and swallowed and petted and rubbed until she rolled off of me. Somehow she managed to crawl up beside me, look in my eyes and say, "I love you."

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Submitted by : Anonymous
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Disclaimer: All posted stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

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